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Born in Beijing. He graduated from the Fine Art Department of the People’s Liberation Army Institute in 1983, where he majored in oil painting. Mr.Zhang is currently a Professor at the Institute, as well as a member of the Chinese Association of Artists. Zhang Li has won many national awards in China, including the Artist’s Excellence Award at several different national exhibitions. His talents are widely recognized in the US as well: Mr.Zhang was recently awarded the Grand Prize for Best of Show in the American Society of Portrait Artists’ International Portrait. Li’s concentration on portraiture allows him to focus on the emotional character of his subjects, and the broad emotional motifs are made starkly visible to the viewer because of Li’s dedication to such exquisite detail.Even though his subject matter--young women dressed in the traditional garb of various Chinese ethnic groups--may seem singular, the haunting beauty of his portraits possess a wonderfully universal appeal. Many of his works are collected by the Chinese National Gallery and the Center of Chinese Art Interchange in Beijing. His paintings have also been collected in the United States, England, France, Japan, Germany, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong--a fact that aptly illustrates the growing worldwide popularity that Zhang Li is enjoying. During the last several years Zhang Li has been honored with exhibitions of his art throughout the international community, including: The International Portrait Competition held by New York City Society of Portrait Artists, New York City in 2002. The International Portrait Competition held by American Society of Portrait Artists Foundation at Metropolitan Art Museum, New York City in 2002.The International Portrait Competition held by American Society of Portrait Artists Foundation at Metropolitan Art Museum, New York City in 2000.Solo Exhibition, Schoeni Art Gallery, Hong Kong in 1998. China to Taos, Taos, New Mexico in 1992.American Master Miniature Show, Park City, Utah in 1994. Asian Art Fair, Hong Kong in 1993. International Art Exhibition, France in 1991.
Born in Beijing. He graduated from the Fine Art Department of the People’s Liberation Army Institute in 1983, where he majored in oil painting. Mr.Zhang is currently a Professor at the Institute, as well as a member of the Chinese Association of Artists. Zhang Li has won many national awards in China, including the Artist’s Excellence Award at several different national exhibitions. His talents are widely recognized in the US as well: Mr.Zhang was recently awarded the Grand Prize for Best of Show in the American Society of Portrait Artists’ International Portrait. Li’s concentration on portraiture allows him to focus on the emotional character of his subjects, and the broad emotional motifs are made starkly visible to the viewer because of Li’s dedication to such exquisite detail.Even though his subject matter--young women dressed in the traditional garb of various Chinese ethnic groups--may seem singular, the haunting beauty of his portraits possess a wonderfully universal appeal. Many of his works are collected by the Chinese National Gallery and the Center of Chinese Art Interchange in Beijing. His paintings have also been collected in the United States, England, France, Japan, Germany, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong--a fact that aptly illustrates the growing worldwide popularity that Zhang Li is enjoying. During the last several years Zhang Li has been honored with exhibitions of his art throughout the international community, including: The International Portrait Competition held by New York City Society of Portrait Artists, New York City in 2002. The International Portrait Competition held by American Society of Portrait Artists Foundation at Metropolitan Art Museum, New York City in 2002.The International Portrait Competition held by American Society of Portrait Artists Foundation at Metropolitan Art Museum, New York City in 2000.Solo Exhibition, Schoeni Art Gallery, Hong Kong in 1998. China to Taos, Taos, New Mexico in 1992.American Master Miniature Show, Park City, Utah in 1994. Asian Art Fair, Hong Kong in 1993. International Art Exhibition, France in 1991.
- 中文
- English
1958年 | 生于北京;
1976年 | 参军;
1979年 | 考入***;
1981年 | 参加“全国美术作品展”;
1982年 | 参加“全国美术作品展”,作品获优秀奖;
1983年 | 毕业留校任教;
1987年 | 参加“全国美术作品展”;
1988年 | 参加“第一届中国油画展”,展出后作品被选送日本参展;
1989年 | 参加“第三届亚洲美展”,作品被日本福冈美术馆收藏;
1990年 | 土耳其“欧亚艺术展”参展;
1991年 | 参加“北京国际艺苑美术馆建馆油画展”;
“法国第二十三届宾海卡涅国际绘画展”; |
1992--1995年 | 参加香港佳士得(CHRISTIE)举办的国际拍卖;
1992年 | 参加印度“中国油画展”;
1994年 | 香港“国际艺术博览会”参展;
1995年 | 阿根廷“中国油画展”参展;
1998年 | 香港Schoeni画廊举办个人画展;
南非“中国当代油画展”参展; |
2000年 | 获美国“2000国际肖像绘画展”最高奖;
2004年 | 参加“北京写实画派”画展;
2005年 | 参加“中国写实画派”年展;
2006年 | 参加“中国写实画派”二周年年展;
2007年 | 参加“中国写实画派”三周年年展;
参加“纪念***全国美展”; |
2008年 | 参加中国写实画派画家集体创作大型油画《热血五月——2008》的创作;
参加“中国写实画派”四周年年展; |
2009年 | 参加“中国写实画派”五周年年展;
2010年 | 参加“中国写实画派”六周年年展;
2011年 | 参加“中国写实画派”七周年年展;
2012年 | 参加“中国写实画派”八周年年展;
2013年 | 参加“中国写实画派”九周年年展;
参加“云中藏歌”西藏文化系列展; |